
Steam company known primarily to MMO players for the Dota franchise.

Hell hell hell hell

Neverwinter’s Infernal Descent module cracks open on consoles

Almost a month after debuting on the PC, Neverwinter's Infernal Descent has opened its hellish maw for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players. As we've...

Wandering Wraeclast: Discover Delirium when Path of Exile’s new league launches March 13

There are certain things you can count on in life, things to set your clocks by. One of those is my quarterly chat with...

Global Agenda officially died back in 2018 and (almost) nobody noticed

Back in 2017, we lumped Global Agenda in with other titles that seemed to have vanished. Why haven't we heard from them? What's going...

Torchlight III discusses adjustments being made to combat, skill progression, and harvesting

With Torchlight III firmly in its current phase of alpha, the folks at Echtra Games are keen to address some of the major points...

One Shots: Imitation and flattery

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then MMO players are the biggest flatterers in the world. When we're not making avatars to...

Multiplayer RPG Portal Knights just got new DLC with druids, Furfolk, and new mounts

It's been half a hot minute since we last checked in with Portal Knights, so we're rectifying that today. Gamers will recall that the...

Visions of N’Zoth boosted World of Warcraft subs, but it’s lost tons since WoW Classic’s 2019 peak

SuperData's January 2020 games industry revenue rankings are up, with only mild shakeups since December 2019. On the PC side, Red Dead Redemption 2 dropped...
Zero, zero, zero, Ted Danson.

Interview: Population Zero devs on the May Steam launch, buy-to-play, and PvP philosophy

Survival MMORPG Population Zero is officially launching on Steam in early May, Enplex Games announced today. As part of the reveal, the studio's also...
Phun phor the phamily.

Vague Patch Notes: Phantasy Star Online 2 might be in a better place than you think

A couple years back (this being the definition where "a couple" means "I can't remember precisely how many"), I was talking with a friend...

Funcom is rolling out a launcher for all its games, including Conan Exiles and Secret World Legends

It's no secret that Norwegian games developer Funcom has been upping its profile in the online gaming world, building on its long-running base of...
I'm not him! I don't even look like him!

PWE didn’t forget Champions Online! Now you can link that account to Steam too

Yesterday, we covered the news that Perfect World Entertainment is finally enabling account linking between Steam and Arc, its proprietary platform for distributing all...

No Man’s Sky’s Living Ship update adds organic, growable, psychedelic starships

It's patch day for No Man's Sky, the game that launched as a not-MMO mess and has pumped out so much epic content in...

Grab a key for Shadow Arena’s February 27 closed beta, courtesy of Pearl Abyss and MOP

If you were a big fan of Black Desert's Shadow Arena when it joined the MMO and then was removed last year, then you're...

Wild Terra 2: New Lands will hit closed alpha this week for high-end backers

Last fall, Juvty Worlds announced that it had run into the "ceiling of technology" with Wild Terra and was pointing its four-person dev team...

You can link your Neverwinter and Star Trek Online accounts to Steam as of today

Beginning today, Perfect World Entertainment is finally enabling account linking between Steam and Arc, its proprietary platform for distributing all of its MMOs here...

Wolcen muddles through ongoing online server issues to mixed reviews and an active playerbase

The optional co-op (co-optional?) ARPG Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem, which released on Steam last week, has had a bit of a rough go of...

Broke Protocol’s latest update brings garages, a James Bond weapon, and cross-compatible mobile play

v1.03 of the online city RPG Broke Protocol is online and it's called Garages. Which seems pretty self explanatory when you look over the...
Not so much.

The MOP Up: Runes of Magic helps you catch up

You might or might not be aware that last December, Runes of Magic rolled out new "catch up" servers that allow players to level...

Turn-based online RPG Eden Falling resurfaces with new updates and over $1.3 million in funding

Update: Razor Edge Games' claim to funding has been disputed by a representative of the investors and the studio has clarified the nature of...

Fallout 76 previews Wastelanders’ C.A.M.P. allies – and teases ‘post-apocalyptic romance’

When Wastelanders finally arrives in Fallout 76 in April - and the game finally jumps to Steam - it's getting a long-delayed makeover in...