This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Crowfall basically blotted out the sun. The “throne war simulator” surpassed its $800,000 goal in a couple of days, and apart from that it also generated a ton of discussion both here on MassivelyOP and throughout the MMO blogosphere.
We’ve also entered the homestretch on our own Kickstarter. With six days to go, we’ve met our initial goal and secured a couple of months’ funding for our new web presence, so thank you for your support!
Click past the cut for rest of this week’s MMO crowdfunding roundup.
Current Campaigns
Citadel of Sorcery (MMO Magic, Inc.): Open donations, no end date
– A vast, dynamic world
– “Nothing is set in stone; each player will experience the game in very different ways”
Crowfall (ArtCraft): Kickstarter closes March 26th
– All PvP all the time
– Campaigns reset, characters don’t
– Voxelized destruction
– Procedurally-generated maps and flexible campaign rules
Contested Space (Zon): Kickstarter coming soon
– Player-design spaceships and stations
– Action-oriented combat, territory expansion and defense
Gloria Victis (Black Eye Games): Open donations, no end date
– Fantasy medieval setting with a classless system and unrestricted character development
– Realistic weather system
– Greenlit on Steam
Neo’s Land (NeoJac Entertainment): Open donations, no end date
– A voxel-based sandbox where the community decides development by roundtable discussions
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen (Visionary Realms): Open donations, no end date
– Old-school fantasy MMO with focus on group content
– The return of corpse runs
– Back in “full development mode”
Trials of Ascension (Forged Chaos): Kickstarter closes March 21st
– Skill-based sandbox MMORPG
– Dynamic spawning, permadeath, corpse-looting
– Player structures, settlements, kingdoms, playable dragons
Fully Funded
Camelot Unchained (City State): Recent news – Ability crafting tease
Crowfall (ArtCraft): Recent news – Fully funded, Game of Thrones connection, MOP interview
City of Titans (Missing Worlds Media): Recent news – Old test environment
Divergence Online (Ethan Casner)
Epic Space (EpicSpace.net)
Ever, Jane (3 Turn Productions)
Greed Monger (Greed Monger)
The Repopulation (Above & Beyond Technologies): Recent news – Massive combat changes
Novus AEterno (Taitale Studios)
Pathfinder Online (GoblinWorks)
Pumpkin Online (Monique)
Shards Online (Citadel Studios)
Shroud of the Avatar (Portalarium): Recent news – Unity upgrade, Economy and offline
Star Citizen (Cloud Imperium): Recent news – Upcoming release schedule
The Stomping Land (Alex Fundora): Project abandoned
TUG (Nerd Kingdom)
Elite: Dangerous (Frontier Developments): Recent news – Producer update
Guns of Icarus (Muse): Recent news – Ship knockback cannon