It’s no secret that EverQuest II has a plethora of quests. The moniker surely fits: There are so many quests that it’s impossible to do everything in a zone before out-leveling it. But you could just as well call it EverDungeon! Unlike many games that have a dungeon or two per zone or level range, EQII has an abundance of them; a player of literally any level has a selection to choose from when preparing to go for a dive. There are many different types to cater to different whims, be it open public dungeons, instanced group dungeons, raids, mini zones, and even two-man solo instances. There are even small instances within other dungeons! Now top it all with the ability to mentor or chronomentor (which opens up all the dungeons you’ve already leveled past) and the repurposing of lower-level dungeons to level 95+ Fabled Dungeons and there’s a seemingly endless supply of them to do.
With so many, how do you know where to go? If you are looking for a certain type, level, or just want to make sure you don’t miss a single one, this guide is for you — it lists out the available dungeons to help you decide where you want your next trip to be.
Although there is nothing about EQII’s factions that prohibits a player from visiting any dungeon on the map, I am segregating the first few simply to follow the original leveling path of those who choose to side with Qeynos vs. Freeport. This way, those who have the urge to follow one faction’s story and questing path of the original Shattered Lands release for nostalgic purposes can do that instead of following the later addition of the new beginner zones and the Golden Path.
Of course, players are always more than welcome and able to jump into whichever dungeon catches their fancy at the moment. And nothing stops folks from chronomentoring and going back at a later time. But what if you don’t really want to experience it as an overpowered toon? You can actually temporarily disable combat XP and/or quest XP by right-clicking on your XP bar. All-access members can adjust the Alternate Advancement slider to have more adventure experience go into AAs instead of levels.
Because of the sheer volume of dungeons, little additional information can be listed individually, so whenever possible the dungeons are linked to their EQ2i wikia or eq2.mmodb pages.
While some might not consider the sewers of the main cities actual dungeons, they are small contested zones with occasional named mobs, so they are added to our list! This follows the journey from Qeynos to Thundering Steppes to Enchanted Lands to Rivervale to Everfrost. Because the Splitpaw Saga adventure pack was introduced not too long after and before any expansions, it is also included.
Dungeon | Levels | Zone | Type | Notes |
The Down Below | 5-17 | Qeynos Sewers | Contested | |
Vermin’s Snye | 10-18 | Qeynos Sewers | Contested | |
The Buccaneer’s Rest | 11-14 | Antonica | Instance | |
Blackburrow | 13-18 | Antonica | Contested | |
Firemyst Gully | 15-22 | Anotnica | Instance | |
Stormhold | 15-27 | Antonica | Contested | |
Shattered Vale | 16-20 | Antonica | Instance | Solo |
The Sepulcher of Jahnda | 17-22 | Vermin’s Snye | Instance | Solo |
Crypt of Betrayal | 18-26 | Qeynos Sewers | Contested | |
Sundered Splitpaw : Captive Audience : Splitpaw Den : Delving into the Darkness |
. 20-50 |
. Thundering Steppes |
. Contested |
. Solo/group |
Sundered Splitpaw : Gladiator’s Triumph |
1-60 | Splitpaw Den | Instance | Solo |
Sundered Splitpaw : Upper Tunnels : Alone in the Dark : Crawler Nest : Trial of Harclave |
. . 20-50 |
. . Splitpaw Den |
. . Instances |
. . Trial is solo |
Drowned Caverns : Arena of Heroes : Flammable Fur |
. 20-50 |
. Splitpaw Den |
. Instance |
A Pirate’s Hidden Stash | 20-23 | Thundering Steppes | Instance | Solo |
Cove of Decay : A Treaty for Treasure : Heroic Confrontation : Epic Angler : Mjolni’s Lair |
. 22-25 20-70 45-55 45-55 |
. . Thundering Steppes |
. Instances |
Group Group Raid x 2 Raid x 4 Raid x 4 |
Rumbler Caves | 23-26 | Thundering Steppes | Instance | |
Ruins of Varsoon | 23-34 | Thundering Steppes | Contested | |
Gnoll Cave | 25-29 | Thundering Steppes | Instance | Solo |
The Tomb of Valor | 25-35 | Stormhold | Instance | |
The Condemned Catacomb | 25-30 | Antonica | Instance | |
Prize of Prexus | 26-30 | Thundering Steppes | Instance | Boat |
An Open Grave | 27-30 | Thundering Steppes | Instance | Solo/Group |
Runnyeye | 30-39 | Enchanted Lands | Contested | |
Chamber of Immortality | 32-36 | Ruins of Varsoon | Instance | |
The Cave of Wonder | 34-37 | Enchanted Lands | Instance | Solo/Group |
Cavern of Tangled Weeds | 35-38 | Enchanted Lands | Instance | |
Forbidden Sepulcher | 39-43 | Everfrost | Instance | Solo |
The Tower of the Drafling | 40-46 | Rivervale | Instance | |
Icespire Summit | 40-46 | Everfrost | Instance | Raid x 2 |
Miragul’s Menagerie | 44-50 | Everfrost | Instance | |
Sundered Splitpaw: Anvilpaw’s Grotto | 40-55 | Splitpaw Den | Instance | Raid x 2 |
Drowned Caverns: Outer Grotto | 45-50 | Splitpaw Den | Contested | |
Drowned Caverns : Hot Water : Brutal Acts of War |
. 45-50 50 |
. Outer Grotto |
. Instance |
Group Raid x 4 |
The Chamber of Rulgax | 40-44 | Runnyeye | Instance | |
Permafrost | 45-51 | Everfrost | Contested | |
The Crypt of Vox | 45-51 | Permafrost | Instance | Raid x 4 |
Draydek’s Chamber :Icebound Success :Throne of the Kromise King |
. 50+ |
. Permafrost |
. Instances |
. Raid x 4 |
The Icy Dig | 49-55 | Permafrost | Instance |
As on the Qeynos side, the sewers are included on the Freeport compilation as well as this faction’s adventure pack, The Bloodline Chronicles. This list follow the journey from Commonlands to Nektulos Forest to Zek, the Orcish Wastes to Lavastorm.
Dungeon | Levels | Zone | Type | Notes |
The Thieves’ Way | 5-10 | Freeport Sewers | Contested | |
Darkblade Den of Assassins | 10 | The Thieves’ Way | Instance | |
a decrepit crypt | 10-13 | Commonlands | Instance | |
Wailing Caves | 11-17 | Commonlands | Contested | |
The Serpent Sewer | 15-21 | Freeport Sewers | Contested | |
Bloodskull Valley : Excavation Site : The Training Grounds : Maulic’s Stronghold |
. 15-18 17-22 20+ |
. . Commonlands |
. . Instances |
. Solo Group Raid x 2 |
Valley of the Rogue Magi | 16-20 | Commonlands | Instance | Solo + 2 |
The Eternal Gorge | 18-23 | Commonlands | Instance | |
Fallen Gate | 18-25 | Commonlands | Contested | |
Edgewater Drains | 20-25 | The Serpent Sewer | Contested | |
The Murkwater Nook | 21-27 | Edgewater Drains | Instance | |
The Serpent’s Lair | 22-25 | The Serpent Sewer | Instance | |
Cauldron Hollow : Witch’s Cove : Cauldron Hollow |
. 22-25 29-36 |
. Nektulos Forest |
. Instances |
The Vault of the Fallen | 25-30 | Fallen Gate | Instance | |
Gobblerock’s Hideout | 25-40 | The Thieves’ Way | Instance | |
The Maid for the Mist | 27-31 | Nektulos Forest | Instance | Boat |
Tallon Hording Halls | 30-33 | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | Instance | Solo/Group |
Nektropos Castle | 30-37 | Nektulos Forest | Instance | |
Tombs of Night | 30-36 | Nektulos Forest | Instance | |
LMS Intruder | 32-36 | Nektulos Forest | Instance | Boat |
The Sullon Mines : Heroic |
33-37 | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | Instances | Solo Group |
Dire Hollow : Grim Tidings : Barrow Ruins : Infernal Echoes |
. . 30-41 |
. . Nektulos Forest |
. . Instances |
Group Solo Solo/group Group |
Underrot Caverns : Fetid Halls : Moldy Crypt |
. 35-42 |
. Nektulos Forest |
. Instances |
The Crypt of T’haen | 35-40 | Nektulos Forest | Instance | |
The Fanged Sea | 35-38 | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | Instance | Quest only |
The Darkened Den | 35-42 | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | Instance | Solo/Group |
Deathfist Citadel | 39-45 | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | Instance | |
The Vault of the Fallen | 45-55 | Fallen Gate | Instance | Raid x 2 |
Solusek’s Eye | 45-55 | Lavastorm | Contested | |
Nagafen’s Lair | 42+ | Solusek’s Eye | Instance | |
The Oratorium of Thyr | 45-55 | Solusek’s Eye | Instance | |
The Sanctum of Fire | 46-50 | Lavastorm | Instance | |
The Bastion of Flames | 45-55 | Solusek’s Eye | Instance | |
Maiden’s Gulch | 47-52 | Lavastorm | Instance | |
Nektropos Castle: The Return | 49-55 | Nektulos Forest | Instance |
The Golden Path
Now that players cannot start in the main cities, the default leveling experience flows from the new starting zones (New Halas or Kelethin instead of Qeynos and Darklight Wood or Gorowyn instead of Freeport) to the newer lands of Butcherblock Mountains and Steamfont. And as you’d expect, new lands mean more dungeons! These areas are all a part of the fabled Golden Path leveling experience.
Dungeon | Levels | Zone | Type | Note |
Grender’s Lair | 6-8 | Greater Faydark | Instance | Solo |
Crushbone Keep | 20-30 | Greater Faydark | Contested | |
The D’Vinnian Throne | 30-35 | Crushbone Keep | Instance | |
Kaladim | 30-39 | Butcherblock Mountains | Contested | |
Klak’Anon | 44-55 | Steamfont | Instance |
So happy together!
In an interesting aside, before advancing to Everfrost and Lavastorm players could come together in the jungle zone of The Feerrott, then split off again. Once expansions entered the scene, however, players are always funneled into the same regions. Additionally, as the level cap kept increasing with successive expansion, new dungeons were incorporated into previous zones for higher-level players to enjoy. Note that at level 95, almost every dungeon has advanced solo and group heroic versions.
Dungeon | Levels | Zone | Type | Notes |
Prison of Admiral Grimgadget | 22-26 | Antonica, Commonlands |
Instance | |
The Temple of Cazic-Thule | 41-49 | The Feerrott | Contested | |
The Trembling Lagoon | 35-45 | The Feerrott | Instance | Raid x 2 |
Cleansing of the Cove | 36-40 | The Feerrott | Contested | Solo/Group |
The Obelisk of Lost Souls | 37-49 | The Feerrott + | Instance | |
The Sanctum of Fear | 45-50 | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | Instance | |
The Vestibule | 45-51 | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | Instance | |
The Sanctorium | 49-55 | Sinking Sands | Instance | |
The Clefts of Rujark | 50-55 | Sinking Sands & The Pillars of Flame | Instance | |
The Living Tombs | 50-55 | The Sinking Sands | Instance | |
The Mines of Meldrath | 50-55 | Steamfont | Instance | |
The Hidden Cache | 50-56 | Sinking Sands | Instance | |
The Vault of Dust | 50-56 | The Clefts of Rujark | Instance | |
Court of Innovation | 50-60 | Klak’Anon | Instance | |
Shard of Love: A Moment of Valor | 50-90 | Everfrost | Instance | |
Befallen : Cavern of the Afflicted : Halls of the Forsaken : Necrotic Asylum |
. . 50-90 |
. . Commonlands |
. . Instance |
Miragul’s Phylactery : Scion of Ice : The Anathema : The Crucible |
. . 50-90 |
. . Everfrost |
. . Instance |
The Deep Forge | 50-90 | Lavastorm | Instance | |
Najena’s Hollow Tower | 50-90 | Lavastorm | Instance | |
The Shimmering Citadel | 52-58 | The Pillars of Flame | Contested | |
Scornfeather Roost | 53-58 | Sinking Sands | Instance | |
Court of the Coin: Imminent Danger | 55-60 | Maj’Dul | Instance | |
Court of the Blades: Dukarem’s Assault | 55-60 | Maj’Dul | Contested | |
Court of Truth: The Debate | 55-60 | Maj’Dul | Instance | Solo |
New Tunaria | 55-65 | Greater Faydark | Contested | |
Fallen Dynasty Trials | 55-70 | Isle of Mara | Instance | |
Ancient’s Table | 56-60 | The Pillars of Flame | Instance | |
The Silent City | 56-61 | Sinking Sands | Contested | |
The Cave of Knowledge | 57-61 | The Pillars of Flame | Instance | |
Cazel’s Mesa | 58-63 | The Pillars of Flame | Instance | |
The Poets Palace | 59-64 | The Shimmering Citadel | Instance | |
Sanctum of the Scaleborn | 60-67 | Tenebrous Tangle | Contested | |
The Forsaken City | 60-68 | Isle of Mara | Contested | |
The Acadechism | 60-70 | Greater Faydark | Instance | |
The Nest of the Great Egg | 62-67 | The Barren Sky | Instance | |
The Blackscale Sepulcher | 64-70 | The Bonemire | Instance | |
Palace of the Awakened | 65-70 | The Bonemire | Contested | |
The Vaults of El’Arad | 65-70 | The Barren Sky | Instance | |
Obelisk of Blight | 65-70 | Lesser Faydark | Instance | |
Laboratory of Lord Vyemm | 65-74 | The Bonemire | Instance | Raid x 4 |
The Halls of Fate | 66-70 | The Bonemire | Instance | |
Mistmoore Catacombs | 66-72 | Loping Plains | Contested | |
Sepulcher of Zan Fi | 66-70 | Isle of Mara | Instance | |
Den of the Devourer | 67-70 | The Bonemire | Instance | |
Crypt of Valdoon | 69-74 | Loping Plains | Instance | |
Cavern of the Crustaceans | 69-70 | Isle of Mara | Instance | Raid x 2 |
Xux’laio’s Roost | 70+ | Isle of Mara | Instance | Raid x 2 |
Throne of New Tunaria | 70+ | New Tunaria | Instance | Raid x 4 |
Clockwork Menace Factory | 70+ | Klak’Anon | Instance | Raid x 4 |
Nektropos Castle: Tribulation | 70-75 | Nektulos Forest | Instance | |
Nizara, City of the Nayad | 70-75 | The Forsaken City | Instance | |
The Estate of Unrest | 70-75 | Butcherblock Mountains | Instance | |
Castle Mistmoore | 70-75 | Loping plains | Contested | |
Mistmoore’s Inner Sanctum | 70+ | Castle Mistmoore | Instance | Raid x 4 |
Evernight Abbey | 70-90 | Loping plains | Instance | |
Mistmyr Manor | 70-90 | Loping plains | Instance | |
Ravenscale Repository | 70-90 | Loping plains | Instance | |
Karnor’s Castle | 72-78 | Kylong Plains | Contested | |
Chardok | 74-80 | Kylong Plains | Contested | |
Sebilis | 75-80 | Kunzar Jungle | Contested | |
Obelisk of Ahkzul | 75-80 | Moors of Ykesha | Instance | |
The Crypt of Agony | 76-78 | Sebelis | Instance | |
Charasis : Vault of Eternal Sleep : Maiden’s Chamber |
. 77-80 79-80 |
. Jarsath Wastes |
. Instance |
Chelsith | 79-80 | Jarsath Wastes | Instance | |
The Execution Throne Room | 80+ | Karnor’s Castle | Instance | Raid x 4 |
The Protector’s Realm | 80+ | Sebelis | Instance | Raid x 4 |
Venril Sathir’s Lair | 80+ | Sebelis | Instance | Raid x 4 |
Veksar: The Invasion | 80-85 | Fens of Nathsar | Instance | |
Runnyeye: The Gathering | 80-85 | Enchanted Lands | Instance | |
Nu’roga | 80+ | Fens of Nathsar | Instance | |
The Hole | 80-90 | The Sundered Frontier | Contested | |
Emperor Atrebe’s Laboratory: The Fabled City of Kor-sha | 80+ | Fens of Nathsar | Instance | |
Emperor’s Athenaeum | 80 | Jarsath Wastes | Instance | |
Kurn’s Tower: Breaching the Void | 80 | Fens of Nathsar | Instance | |
The Ruins of Guk : Halls of the Fallen : The Lower Corridors : Ykesha’s Outer Stronghold |
. . 80 |
. . Moors of Ykesha |
. . Instance |
Anchor of Bazzul | 80 | Moors of Ykesha | Instance | |
The Palace of Ferzhul | 80 | Moors of Ykesha | Instance | |
The Hole : Demitrik’s Bastion : Spirit’s Resonance : The Outer Vault |
. 85 88 90 |
. . The Sundered Frontier |
. Contested Instance Instance |
Library of Erudin | 87 | The Stonebrunt Highlands | Instance | |
Vasty Deep : The Conservatory : The Abandoned Labs : The Vestigial Cella |
. 87 90 92 |
. The Stonebrunt Highlands |
. Instances |
The Vigilant : Incursion : Infiltration : Rescue |
. . 90+ |
. . The Sundered Frontier |
. . Instances |
Erudin Research Halls | 90+ | The Stonebrunt Highlands | Instance | |
The Fortress of Drunder : Spire of Rage : Strategist’s Stronghold : Tower of Tactics : Elements of War |
. . 90+ |
. . Eastern Wastes |
. . Instances |
The Fortress of Drunder : Citadel of V’uul : Sullon’s Spire : Tallon’s Strognhold : Vallon’s Tower : Plane of War |
. . 90+ |
. . The Fortress of Drunder |
. . Instances |
. Raid x 2 Raid x 4 Raid x 4 Raid x 4 Raid x 4 |
Skyshrine: The City of Dracur : Covenant District : Lyceum of the Recondite : Dracur Prime : The Underdepths |
. . 90+ |
. . The Withered Lands |
. . Instances |
. . Solo/Group |
Skyshrine: The City of Dracur : Sevalak Awakened : Betrayal in the Underdepths : Vyskudra the Ancient |
. . 90+ |
. Skyshrine: The City of Dracur |
. Instances |
. Raid x 4 |
Zraxth’s Unseen Arcanum | 90+ | Moors of Ykesha | Instance | Normal & hard |
Tower of Frozen Shadow : Shadowed Corridors : Umbral Halls : Haunt of Syl’Tor |
. . 90+ |
. . Great Divide |
. . Instances |
Crystal Caverns: Collapse | 90+ | Eastern Wastes | Instance | |
Forgotten Pools | 91+ | Great Divide | Instance | |
Hold of Rime : The Ascent : The Fortress Spire |
. 91+ |
. Great Divide |
. Instances |
Outer Kael : Iceshard Keep : The Temple of Rallos Zek : Throne of Storms : Kael Drakkel |
. . 92+ |
. . Eastern Wastes |
. . Instances |
Outer Kael : Throne of Storms: Hall of Legends : Temple of Rallos Zek: Foundations of Stone |
. 92+ |
. Outer Kael |
. Instances |
. Raid X 4 |
Siren’s Grotto : Alluring Embrace : Tavalan Abyss |
. 95+ |
. Cobalt Scar |
. Instances |
. A.Solo/Group |
Siren’s Grotto: Dissension | 95+ | Cobalt Scar | Instance | Raid x 4 |
The Nexus Core | 95+ | Vesspyr Isles | Instance | A.Solo/Group |
The Fractured Hive | 95+ | Vesspyr Isles | Instance | A.Solo/Group |
High Keep: The Bloodless Incursion | 95+ | Vesspyr Isles | Contested | |
Brokenskull Bay: Spoils of Maraud | 94+ | Tranquil Sea | Contested | |
High Keep : The Pickclaw Depths |
96+ | Vesspyr Isles | Instance | A.Solo/Group |
Sleeper’s Tomb : the Awakening : The Forgotten Catacombs |
. 96+ 98+ |
. Eastern Wastes |
. Instance |
. A.Solo/Group |
The Dreadcutter | 97+ | Obol Plains | Instance | A.Solo/Group |
Temple of the Faceless : Imprisonment |
97+ | The Eidolon Jungle | Instance | Group AdvancedSolo |
Ssrez’Ras: Chamber of Stasis | 97+ | Vesspyr Isles | Instance | A.Solo/Group |
Izshrash’Khar: Stratum of the Protectors | 97+ | Vesspyr Isles | Instance | A.Solo/Group |
Throne of Fear : Ascension |
98+ | The Eidolon Jungle | Instance | |
Chelsith: The Ancient Vault | 98+ | Jarsath Wastes | Instance | |
Temple of Veeshan : Laboratory of Mutation : Halls of the Betrayer : Vulak’Aerr’s Dominion |
98+ 98+ 98+ 100+ |
. . Vesspyr Isles |
Contested Instance Instance Instance |
. . A.Solo/Group |
Temple of Veeshan : Guardian’s Edifice |
100+ | Vesspyr Isles | Instance | Raid x 4 |
Wurmbone Crag | 98+ | Jarsath Wastes | Instance | A.Solo/Group |
Wurmbone’s End | 99+ | Jarsath Wastes | Instance | A.Solo/Group |
Harrow’s End: Baleful Dominion | 98-100+ | Obol Plains | Instance | |
Ossuary of Malevolence | 98-100+ | Phantom Sea | Contested | |
Zavith’loa : The Hidden Caldera : The Lost Caverns : The Hunt (Event Heroic) |
. . 98-100+ |
. . Tranquil Sea |
. . Instances |
. . A.Solo/Group |
Brokenskull Bay :Bilgewater Falls : Hoist the Yellow Jack : Bosun’s Private Stock (Event Heroic) |
. . 98-100+ |
. . Tranquil Sea |
. . Instances |
. .Solo/A.Solo/Group |
Ossuary : Resonance of Malice : Sanguine Fountains : Choir of T’Vyl (Event Heroic) |
. . 98-100+ |
. . Phantom Sea |
. . Instances |
. . Solo/A.Solo/Group |
Ossuary: The Altar of Malice | 98-100+ | Phantom Sea | Instance | Raid x 4 |
Castle Highhold : Thresinet’s Den : Insider Treachery (Event Heroic) |
. 98-100+ |
. Phantom Sea |
. Instances |
. A.Solo/Group |
Castle Highhold: No Quarter | 98-100+ | Phantom Sea | Instance | Raid x 4 |
Ssraeshza Temple : Inner Sanctum : Taskmaster’s Echo (Event Heroic) |
. 98-100+ |
. Phantom Sea |
. Instances |
. A.Solo/Group |
Ssraeshza Temple: Echos of Time | 98-100+ | Phantom Sea | Instance | Raid x 4 |
Rum Cellar (coming soon) | 100+ | Phantom Sea | Instances | Solo/ A.Solo/Group |
Rum Cellar (coming soon) | 100+ | Phantom Sea | Raid* |
Fabled Dungeons
New zones from expansions are not the only ways that max-level characters get more dungeon goodness. Although players are welcome to chronomentor and visit all the old haunts, certain dungeons have been undergoing retrofitting to work with the endgame crowd. These are fabled versions of the familiar instances.
Dungeon | Levels | Zone | Type | Note |
Scornfeather Roost | 94+ | Sinking Sands | Instance | |
Clefts of Rujark | 94+ | Sinking Sands | Instance | |
Sanctum of the Scaleborn | 95+ | Tenebrous Tangle | Contested | |
Halls of Fate | 95+ | The Bonemire | Instance | |
Den of the Devourer | 95+ | The Bonemire | Instance | |
Vaults of El’Arad | 95+ | The Barren Sky | Instance | |
Laboratory of Lord Vyemm | 95+ | The Bonemire | Instance | Raid x 4 |