Claiming he’s had “enough of the bullshit that is the ‘vaporware’ […] that RSI/CIG have foisted on […] legacy backers,” game developer and internet warlord Derek Smart has returned once again to his blog to crusade against Star Citizen. He accuses Chris Roberts and company of libeling him, “engaging in character assassination,” and sending forward a “cult-like” “army of White Knight backers” and “nutjobs” and “degenerates.”
“These bastards, most of whom were probably running around in diapers, rubbing poo-dipped hands on their faces, when I was earning my chops as a hardcore Internet Warlord, simply don’t know who they’re dealing with,” Smart insists, following it up with a drawn-out retread of his Star Citizen Kickstarter forced refund drama.
You’ll be unsurprised to learn that Cloud Imperium has seemingly declined to submit to any of Smart’s last seven demands, which Smart apparently considers a great victory and proof of CIG’s misdeeds. Smart’s threats have subsequently ramped up.
“All you’ve done, is strengthened my resolve, and unwittingly broadcast to the world that you have something to hide by kicking me out as a backer,” he says. “I’m going to take out a full page article in the NY times, just to prove it.”
And he has new demands for Roberts.
- You, and your wife, Sandra Roberts (aka Sandi Gardiner), should resign, effective immediately, and relinquish control of this company to an interim CEO. [Emphasis ours.]
- Using the same rules you used to refund my pledge, without my asking, you are to immediately process refunds in the amount of $2,134,374 as per the initial Kickstarter crowd-funding effort for those who request it. Those who want to wait to see the end (my instinct, from what I know now, is telling me that the end is looking a lot like a catastrophic total loss of this project), are welcome to do that.
- Give backers the opportunity to hire an independent forensics accountant, and an executive producer, to audit the company records, and give an accurate picture of the financial health of the company, and it’s ability to complete, and deliver this project in a timely fashion. I hereby offer to foot the entire costs of this effort. And I will put up to $1m of my own money, in an escrow account of an attorney’s choosing, to be used as-needed for this exercise. [Emphasis ours.] I will pay this price to prove that I had every right to seek these answers. So this money can either go toward a good cause (righting this ship), or to attorneys who are most likely to burn it all down anyway.
- If you ignore this, the more time passes, the more articles I write and reveal what I know, the more likely it is that this will end in legal (someone suing someone, and opening the flood gates) action, thereby forcing you all to come to court and answer these questions.
Get caught up on the whole sorry saga: