Yesterday we reported that WildStar began stress testing its fall free-to-play patch, and since then players have been reporting in with pictures and details of this massive update. While Carbine hasn’t posted a list of patch notes yet, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of what you can expect to see and experience when this patch goes live.
It’s worth noting that Carbine is sending folks to discuss the new patch on the stability test forums, not the public test realm forums. So are you ready to find out what’s in this mega-update? Hit the jump and soak in the wonders!
- New high-level rune sets to chase, not to mention fusion runes
- Housing plots will be able to be expanded to double their size, allowing for several new plugs
- There are dozens of new housing items, including indoor and outdoor decor, and housing guards
- There are also new housing sky and music options
- Lots of class and dungeon changes
- The character select screen has been overhauled with a much more attractive design (video below)
- There’s a new Lopp fortune teller, which may be part of a lockbox system
- Players will receive daily rewards for logging in (with a special interface that shows upcoming rewards)
- You can use consumables to put visual effects on weapons
- The attunement process has been made easier and clearer
- World bosses can be summoned on command
- Challenges will be changed so that players can fill up a meter and choose from selected zone rewards
- Crafting is getting an overhaul to be more user-friendly
- There is a brand-new tutorial for both factions
- Raiders can partake in the new Protogames Allstars raid
- Sprint will be always on and can be toggled off
- All amps will be unlocked on the amp tree
- There’s a content finder tool
- And of course there are dozens and dozens of new weapon and costume skins
Of course one major addition is the in-game cash shop and new currencies including Ncoins and Omnibits. This video has a decent overview of the many categories and previews:
A new Drusera dungeon, Alpha Sanctum, is part of the patch’s goodies:
There’s also a couple big changes to the Warrior’s skills, which you can watch in the following video:
Here’s a video of the updated character select screen:
Here’s the Lopp fortune teller in action:
Here’s the Dominion tutorial in action:
And the Exile tutorial:
Players will be able to access the “rapid transport system” to get around on Nexus even faster than before: