Even in games set far in the future, people still think about living in the World of Tomorrow. EVE Online players are already experiencing a world far advanced from our own, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t still places to go, such as with the brand-new Citadel stations under construction. And players can aid in the construction of the first five Citadels in exchange for fantastic prizes.
And branded apparel, if that’s something which matters to you.
Players who wish to take part in this event will need to deliver Research Components to assist in the deployment of these prototype stations, with a fully researched Astrahus citadel BPC as the ultimate prize. There’s even an in-universe video just below about the fiction behind this event, which is really leaning on that whole “World of Tomorrow” angle. It’s a world in which tomorrow you could have more stuff than you presently have, which is pretty great.