The date of AdventureQuest 3D’s public debut is imminent, as the team announced that the cross-platform MMO will be going into open beta on October 18th-ish. Wait, “ish?” What’s that for?
“The release date says ‘-ish’ because that is when we will start rolling it out onto each platform (Steam PC, Mac, Apple, Android), and some will go live before others,” the team explained.
The open beta launch will coincide with the rollout of a couple of big features. AQ3D will open the doors of its ShadowSkull Tower dungeon and kick off Mogloween while re-balancing the game.
The team also teased what will be coming next month: “In November, we will be opening up our next major area, a volcanic region filled with Dragons… and Dragonslayers. and possibly Dragonslayer slayers. And Forseeably Dragonslayer Slayer Slayers.”
You can watch the open beta announcement trailer after the break!