It’s safe to say that Ion Hazzikostas has emerged as the face of World of Warcraft’s development team, particularly following his rundown of all of the MMO’s upcoming content at BlizzCon. Well, now Hazzikostas is back with even more info, thanks to a dev livestream in which he tackles many follow-up questions and concerns sent in from the community following the convention.
The hour-long Q and A covered many topics, but some of the highlights included the news that Patch 7.1.5 should go on the public test realm early this week, legendaries are getting a 15-level bump this Tuesday to feel more powerful, more legendaries are coming soon, Trial of Valor’s rewards are getting an item level boost, and Nighthold is coming sometime in January.
Hazzikostas did spend some time talking about the huge surprise which was the announcement that players will be going to Argus in Patch 7.3. Apparently this will contain several zones and instances, wrapping up the Legion storyline in an epic fashion.
But don’t just settle for the summary points; watch the whole developer interview after the break to pull out every nuance and detail!