As part of its marketing push ahead of Guild Wars 2’s Path of Fire expansion launch in September, ArenaNet is plotting a freebie weekend for the game. The base game is already free-to-play, of course, but this weekend, all players will be treated to a preview of the paid and unlaunched Path of Fire content, even if you’ve never put a dime into the game. Existing players and newbies alike can basically tour the first zone (Amnoon Oasis) before deciding whether or not to pick up the expack. If you’re a total newbie, all you have to do is register a free account and you’re good to go starting Friday through Sunday. The weekend after that, the expansion’s elite specs will be available in PvP and WvW, so you’ll get to sample those too.
The question is — will this work? Are you actually going to give it a go? To the pollmobile!
Leaderboard: Will you be trying Guild Wars 2 for free this weekend?
- I currently play GW2 and will play the preview weekend too. (44%, 285 Votes)
- I currently play GW2 but will not play the preview weekend. (10%, 65 Votes)
- I used to play GW2 and will return to play the preview weekend. (20%, 129 Votes)
- I used to play GW2 but will not return to play the preview weekend. (21%, 136 Votes)
- I have never played GW2 but will play the preview weekend. (1%, 6 Votes)
- I have never played GW2 and will not play the preview weekend either. (2%, 14 Votes)
- No response / elf butts / view results (3%, 17 Votes)
Total Voters: 652

We’ll do a follow-up next week after the event is over to see whether it changed any minds in terms of buying the expansion!