One of the first players to encounter the Thargoids in Elite: Dangerous provided a video of the encounter, and the bad news is that it doesn’t go well for the player. The craft was already sitting amidst the wreckage of NPC ships and quickly turned its destructive firepower upon the player’s vessel. Considering the barnacles observed throughout the galaxy, it’s clear that players are finding the Thargoids to be unapproachable and frightening threats as they silently pursue an unknown agenda. And the patch has only been out for a day.
Nevertheless, players are finding ways to fight back. One player already managed to rip an organic and highly corrosive chunk out of a Thargoid ship, while other players have noted some odd gravitational signatures around a Thargoid’s frame shift. There are even reports of a fleet taking on a Thargoid and surviving, developing battle tactics that could take one down even if they didn’t succeed on the first attempt (the fleet in question suffered no losses, however). It’s going to be interesting to see how the community continues to respond to these alien threats.