According to the patch notes, we’re getting a new SAB-themed race, new achievements, and a whole bunch of bug fixes and quality-of-life adjustments (yay, no more giant cutscene for the first map). The devs have given all classes a hefty balance patch too. And of course, there are new goodies on the Moto vendor already, including new buff food and a bauble node for home instances.
Also worth pointing out are some new bits in the cash shop today: returning themed items like bunny ears (naturally), but also an “Istani Isles Mount Select License” for 1200 gems – that allows you to hand-pick a mount skin from the new bunch of skins rather than gamble for one. But don’t worry, whales; you can still grab a gamblebox for your mounts for 400 gems a pop.
And clearly, the best news of all? CHAIRS.
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— Guild Wars 2 (@GuildWars2) March 27, 2018