With its early access launch happening on Steam tomorrowday, Legends of Aria has been shoring up its headstart. A “high volume of traffic” made logins a problem last week, though that’s the kind of problem an online game prefers to the alternative. After a minor rollback issue this weekend, servers came down for a hotfix to fix guilds this morning and it’s smoother sailing.
Citadel Studios has been doing more than focusing on stability, though; it’s also tweaked ore prices, fixed crafting orders, adding mission-givers to outpots, and made sure shops are properly vending hearthstone. Perhaps the biggest fix is to the karma system; over the weekend, Citadel reset all negative karma across all characters “because [the] Karma system had some edge cases in it that caused many people to lose large amounts of Karma when it shouldn’t have.” The karma system itself has since been tweaked to avoid those “edge cases.”
Massively OP’s MJ took a look at the headstart last week; you can check it out right here. It’s pretty!