If there’s one theme to the latest Camelot Unchained newsletter (and as always, it’s a lengthy newsletter), it’s the reality that there are lots of moving parts involved in making an MMO. And all it takes for things to go wrong is for one part to be out of whack; the art section of the newsletter shows off just what happens when the coding for one piece of armor is wrong, turning a character into a blob of tentacles and texture errors instead of an actual character. And there are lots of pieces of art to check there.
The newsletter also covers the building of bigger things from little pieces in the form of the ability builder, breaking down each individual ability into component elements and coding the game to adjust for them. There’s also a section on the game’s BPOs, objects meant to be seen as part of a building without having to be individually sculpted out of fiddly blocks, such as chairs. Check out the full newsletter for all the details on how the little things come together to make one finished product.