It’s a big day for MMOs – and MMO players who’ve been itching to see more titles on VR. That’s because OrbusVR officially launches as OrbusVR: Reborn today: It’s a full expansion and reboot of the original VR MMORPG that doubles its class roster, buffs AI, improves character creation, and smooths out leveling, among other additions.
As the game’s founder Riley Dutton notes in his letter from the director, the game was originally Kickstarted – in four hours – just over two years ago. “At the time, it probably seemed either incredibly ambitious or downright foolhardy for a small indie team to attempt to create the world’s first VRMMO,” he writes. “Since the game’s launch in December of 2017 into Early Access, more than 60,000 people have played OrbusVR, spanning more than 575,000 hours played in-game. You’ve hunted down World Bosses, completed quests, defended the realm, and conquered the first-ever 10-player Raid in VR. All while contributing your feedback, ideas, helping track down bugs, and welcoming new players to help maintain our reputation as one of the friendliest games in VR.”
If you already own the game on Steam or Oculus, you’ll be able to download the update today for free, and yep, it’s still primed to launch with the Oculus Quest!