Sure, World of Warcraft fans don’t yet know when the next major patch will be going live, but there’s been another update to the test server and that means new stuff to pick apart on that test server. The fine people at Wowhead have already gotten to work unpacking all of the content found in the latest 8.2 build, so if you’ve got questions, they’ve got answers.
Curious about the encounter journal for Operation: Mechagon and The Eternal Palace? That’s all in there. Have a hankering for some broadcast text that’s either been changed or is completely new and spoils a twist you probably saw coming miles away? Have a look. Need to look at the new faction rewards? You’ll find this bit rewarding. There’s a whole mess of information for anyone who wants to find out about the patch now and can’t wait until we get closer to release.
That’s especially worth noting, of course – since this is an earlier build, pretty much anything currently in place is subject to change. Wholesale revision is not going to happen, but precise drop rates, stats, and so forth are definitely up in the air. You have been warned.