Get a lot done in World of Warcraft Classic over the weekend? Probably not as much as the world first level 60 — or the guild APES, which managed to be the very first group to take down both Ragnaros and Onyxia. Professional raiding guild Method, which streamed the race to these raid firsts, congratulated the victors on Twitter.
Guess that means that the pressure is off of you to simply enjoy the game now, eh? There still might be some incentive to pushing up to the level cap beyond the experience: The World of Warcraft Brazilian Facebook page briefly posted a promotion advertising a free copy of Battle for Azeroth and a level 110 character boost on retail to anyone who reached 60 on Classic. It remains to be seen if this promotion will roll out for everyone or if it was a goof on the part of the community team.
And finally, original lead developer Jeff Kaplan became the star of another video reminiscing about the vanilla era and what he remembers from his days working on the title. You can check that out after the break!