In the abstract sense, it’s really not unheard of that we as of yet don’t know more about World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. It’s not all that long ago that we had the Visions of N’zoth patch, after all. But considering that patch was really bad, a lot of people are no doubt eager to learn about the game’s next expansion, which makes the continued string of new builds for the encrypted alpha at once heartening and frustrating.
Why heartening? Well, because it’s a sign that testing is moving forward and the expansion is actively progressing. Why frustrating? Well, because they’re encrypted, which means that there’s no datamining to be done by people not in the alpha and thus nothing to do but look to the builds with curiosity. It’s hard to know what the state of the testing is under the circumstances, and given the amount of datamining many WoW expansions and patches are subject to, it’s hardly surprising that Blizzard would want people to not get a glimpse at the contents just yet. Still, if you’re frustrated with the current game, the two builds already deployed this week offer a tease that there’s something better waiting… but you don’t know what.
Unless that’s also bad, of course.