Dragon’s Prophet has not had the best run the last few years. In 2015, Daybreak sunsetted the US version of the game, though the Runewaker MMO survived under Gamigo’s banners in the EU. Then Runewaker and Gamigo stealth-launched a sequel to the game called Savage Hunt in 2017, and we pretty much forgot about the duo again.
Alas, Gamigo didn’t forget, and the company that has been on a tear sunsetting Trion Worlds’ MMOs (Atlas Reactor, classic Defiance on the Xbox 360, and RIFT Prime) is now sunsetting a pair of Runewaker’s.
“On May 29, 2020, the servers of Dragon’s Prophet and Savage Hunt will shut down, forever. Be assured this was not an easy decision for us, but the game can no longer sustain. We’ve shared your passion and dedication to Dragon’s Prophet and Savage Hunt over the years and you’ve been an amazing community. Thank you for this and the fond memories of hours of exciting gameplay. To help you relive some of those fun times, we’ve prepared an event and server boost just for you.”
Gamigo says it’s blocking purchases as of today, reducing in-game prices, and running a double drop event until the end. It’s also offering boosters in its other games to convince players to switch, though at this point, it’d be hard to blame players for losing faith that a fresh pick won’t be the next game to get the axe. RIP.