If you ever thought Guild Wars 2’s graceful water-based mount, the Skimmer, looked more like something that should be flitting about under the ocean than hovering over it, you aren’t alone. However, it appears that is set to change on August 25th, when ArenaNet will be adding a new mastery to the Skimmer that will allow players to ride their giant manta rays underwater as well as over it.
“On August 25,” the YouTube description reads, “owners of Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire can complete a new collection to unlock the Skimming the Depths mastery, and speed through Tyria’s abyssal depths with ease.” You may recall that this new mount ability was teased back in early July as part of ArenaNet’s summer roadmap.
Exactly what that collection will entail remains to be seen, so stay tuned for more details, but in the mean time, you can check out the trailer below! And if you’re new to the game, check out the studio’s brand-new new player guide too.
Source: PC Gamer