Most Destiny 2 players are familiar with their Ghost, the helpful little robot friend that mostly helps players respawn when they die and sometimes needs to be protected from enemy waves while scanning a macguffin. When the Beyond Light expansion arrives, Ghosts will be capable of a lot more thanks to some new customization features.
These customization options come by way of mods, which can be found through various gameplay loops detailed in the Collection. Mods will have different energy costs which will draw from an energy pool that all Ghosts will have. All Ghosts will have three mod slots by default, while a fourth can be added by Masterworking the Shell they’re wearing. Mods and mod slots come in four varieties: Experience, Tracking, Economy, and Activity. As for old Ghost perks, those will remain largely unchanged, appearing as unlocked mods in their appropriate slot.
This new system is described as a way to let players boost their favorite Shells and swap between them based on the kind of benefits they want and their chosen playstyle.
The most recent dev update points to the usual potpourri of things, including the game’s upcoming arrival to Xbox Game Pass, some brief notes for a hotfix due this Tuesday, and an upcoming in-game tribute to Matt Helsom, a developer from Vicarious Visions who worked closely with Bungie on various projects who passed away last year; the tribute will lead players to Mars in a quest that seeks to “memorialize his contributions in the Destiny universe.”