I’ve seen your screenshots and houses and accounts and I know some of you folks are really not into organizing your video game characters’ stuff. Some of y’all literally get an MMO house and throw all your stuff in a pile right on the floor by the door and that’s it. And I actually understand why people wouldn’t bother spending their precious time organizing digital stuff. This is the whole theory behind the tags vs. folders debate, right? It’s easier to just tag something and search for it later if you actually need it than fuss with setting up and filing things into cluttered folders. In games, even in MMOs, I can see why it’d be easier to throw it all into a bag and not worry about it.
But… I can’t do it. Having a messy video game house (or bank vault, or inventory) stresses me out more than spending time cleaning it up. I tend to set my houses and inventories up for my particular gameplay flow. For example, in my Ultima Online houses, I try to reconcile things that look pretty with storage that’s actually accessible. In my SWG Legends homes, I try to create a big space for all of my resources. And in every MMO with a house, I always have a “junk drawer/landing pad” type of container to catch all the random stuff that filters in until I can tackle it. It takes time to think it through and set it up, but it makes playing in the space so much easier afterward. (Oh my god, am I becoming my mother??)
How about you? Do you organize your houses and inventories in MMOs?