A retrospective of the last year’s work by City of Titans is full of the looking back that one comes to expect out of these sorts of posts, but it also is pretty heavy on the look forward as well, sharing a variety of update plans heading into the current year along with fresh screenshots and video.
In terms of the work ahead, the post leads off by announcing that a Mac client for the game is currently in internal testing and should have more information revealed soon. The other major piece is putting together multiplayer; previous testing that involved holiday events, NPC interactions, and map design has provided some lessons that the devs are ready to apply to the larger game world. The post also talks about the implementation of a chat system, and promises updates to come regarding combat, movement, and map improvements.
To that final point, the post offered up a variety of new screenshots and a new video that takes a look at Old Bradford and the Downtown area. In addition to these new looks, there is also a new section of the website that will have some more detailed information about locations in the City of Titans. You can follow the link for more as well as take in the video below.