It’s not the end, but it is an end: Final Fantasy XIV announced its Endwalker expansion this past Friday during its showcase. Launch is fall 2021, and that’s not all, as the game is also rolling out to PS5 this spring!
Read on to catch up with the very best of this week’s MMO news and opinions today as every Sunday in Massively Overpowered’s
Week in Review!
Final Fantasy XIV’s fourth expansion, Endwalker, arrives this fall, with a PS5 launch set for April - [AL:FFXIV]The fourth expansion for Final Fantasy XIV has been officially announced during the evening's live announcement event as Endwalker, launching in fall of 2021. You can also catch up on our…
Liveblogging the Final Fantasy XIV announcement showcase - Maybe you're excited about the Final Fantasy XIV announcement showcase, but you're currently at work and can't watch video. Or maybe you're on public transit and have to settle for text.…
Activision-Blizzard Q4 2020: Activision’s revenues are up QoQ and YoY as Blizzard MAUs drop again - We've simply got to stop meeting like this exactly every three months. Yes, it's time for another round of Activision-Blizzard dissembling in the form of the company's investor report and…
Vague Patch Notes: If this MMO was so good, why didn’t it succeed? - Your mission today, should you choose to accept it, is to participate in an experiment. I want you to write up a nice long piece about all the things WildStar did…
First impressions of Skyforge on Nintendo Switch: A messy port of a solid MMORPG - I played Skyforge briefly when it first launched on PC in 2015, but only put a few hours into it. My short stay there was not because I found anything…
LOTRO Legendarium: Ranking Lord of the Rings Online’s Eriador zones from worst to best - Probably like many of you, I have gone through the initial zones in Lord of the Rings Online more times than I can count (confession: I can only count to…
LOTRO’s upcoming Wildwood content drop won’t be a ‘mini-expansion’ - Last fall's move to start charging every Lord of the Rings Online player -- including subscribers -- for what was a glorified content update has the community watching SSG like…
See how Elder Scrolls Online’s map has doubled since launch - While we are all aware that Elder Scrolls Online is one of the most consistently updated MMORPGs on the market, perhaps we don't realize just how far it's come since…
Not So Massively: First impressions of Century Age of Ashes - Dragons are ubiquitous to the point of over-exposure in gaming these days. And yet for all that, there are still very few games that let us command the power of…
WoW Factor: What I want to hear from World of Warcraft during BlizzConline - So hey, BlizzConline is coming up very soon, and that means more announcements about World of Warcraft! Within a fairly narrow lineup of possible bits of news, anyhow. Let's be honest,…
Massively Overthinking: Do MMO players secretly just want ‘another WoW’? - Last week, there was a provocative discussion on the MMORPG subreddit about the genre. I don't want to get tangled up in the whole argument about failed MMOs and why…
Obituary: ZeniMax Media founder and CEO Robert A. Altman has died - I'm sorry to report that the founder and CEO of ZeniMax Media, Robert A. Altman, has apparently passed away. He was 74. The news came directly from Bethesda's Twitter account,…
Preview: Dauntless’ Frost Escalation will force you to fight frigid foes and frostbite - I've said before that I respect and love how Dauntless keeps trying to bring something new to the table with its major updates, and the Frost Escalation, which should be…
Sea of Thieves’ first season has arrived with a new voyage type and LTM - Season one of Sea of Thieves' new business-and-content model has officially arrived today. Here's hoping this take lasts long than that whole "three live teams working on constant content" thing. Today's…
Elite Dangerous players are apparently being duped into indentured servitude - An Elite Dangerous player and member of the altruistic Fuel Rats group has uncovered what appears to be an insidious scheme while responding to a seemingly routine call for help.…
BioWare shuts down talk of Mass Effect multiplayer, says ‘it was just really hard’ - There are a whole lot of people really excited to see BioWare bust out that Mass Effect legendary edition on May 14th -- myself included. But when it does arrive,…
Bluehole MMO Elyon shows off the new Slayer class - Do you ever get the feeling that two-handed sword classes in MMORPGs are less about actual swordplay and more about putting on glamorous light shows using a blade the size…
Desert Oasis: Having a blast with Black Desert’s new Nova class - Thanks to the quarantine, it's been a pretty long while since I've gone out and enjoyed some coffee at a cafe and a beer at a bar. But of all…
Darkfall: Rise of Agon is expanding its paid dev team and launching in Asia - Here's some big news for fans of the Darkfall saga: The last Darkfall version still standing, Darkfall: Rise of Agon, is headed to a launch in Asia. MMO players will…
Perfect Ten: A guide to podcasts for your favorite MMOs - Clearly, your Tuesday schedule every week should have a big fat "LISTEN TO MASSIVELY OP PODCAST" written at 4:00 p.m. EST right on it. But once you've experienced that blissful…
Posting record 2020 revenues, EA recommits to the Star Wars franchise that made it $3B - It's been an EA day today as reactions to the company's Q3 FY21 financial report continue to collect around the industry, largely because the company had a banner year with…
Destiny 2 just revealed Season of the Chosen and a full roadmap through May - [AL:D2]As promised, Bungie's brought the goods for Destiny 2 today by way of Season of the Chosen, launching next week on February 9th and running through mid-May with the requisite…
Guild Wars 2’s Lunar New Year events are set to go live today - [AL:GW2]So we've got some good news and bad news. The good news is that Guild Wars 2 is going live with its Lunar New Year patch today. The bad news…
Choose My Adventure: An intriguing but PvP-free first foray into Warhammer Return of Reckoning - I promised that this month's CMA column would feature my attempts at getting into some PvP MMO action. Sadly for you (but mercifully for me), the opening steps I've taken…
MMO Business Roundup: Gamestonk is tipping toward over as shares dip below $100 a pop - Welcome back to a fresh roundup of MMO and MMO-adjacent business news! Gamestonk: It's starting to look as if last week's wild GameStop stock squeeze is over, having severely wounded…
The Daily Grind: What’s the worst MMO game mechanic ever? - Weeks ago, I saw a thread on the MMORPG subreddit about the worst mechanics in MMOs. I clicked on the link, scoffing, thinking surely this thread couldn't top some of…
Google is shutting down its Stadia development studios, though Stadia games remain playable - It comes as absolutely no surprise to anyone who has been paying even the smallest amount of attention that Google Stadia has been struggling to keep itself afloat. More bad…
Class action suit accuses Valve of using its ‘dominant’ position in the marketplace to drive up prices - It's an understood fact of PC gaming life that the Steam platform is the standard for digital games storefronts, and it's that position of power that has lead five gamers…
Not So Massively: Wolcen’s Bloodtrail is worth coming back for - I've been a fan of Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem from the start, but with how long things went quiet after the initial post-launch updates, I was starting to get worried.…

Every week, get caught up on the MMO genre’s latest news and Massively OP’s best content in our
MMO Week in Review! Want more roundups of content? Try Friday’s
Betawatch for MMO testing highlights, Saturday’s
Make My MMO for MMO crowdfunding updates, and Sunday’s
The MOP Up, which mops up all the bits of news we didn’t cover anywhere else.