Tomorrow is the official launch of Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis and the devs of the MMO are gearing up with a whole slew of announcements. Leading off the pack is an all-encompassing detail post that talks about every feature in the game, from classes and their weapons to the many advancement systems to the various enemies players will face (I’m a fan of Bigg Frogga personally), including the Gigantix foes that only appear during certain weather, which are due to arrive on Wednesday, June 23rd.
Next, the devs shared player survey results from the closed beta, finding that most players tried out the Hunter and Gunner class, most enjoyed the game’s open world, and 90% of poll respondents would be coming back for New Genesis’ full launch. The survey did also point out some issues players reported, with many saying skill effects were too bright, the UI needed work, and mineral frequency was too low. The devs note that UI adjustments will gradually come, an option to reduce lighting effects will be considered though will similarly take time to implement, and that mineral frequency is in a good spot since upgrade systems like Limit Breaking and Potential unlocking happens gradually over play.
Finally, there will be several boost items dished out at launch that improve rare drop rates and XP earnings. These items (naturally) run for a limited time, but players should be aware that their duration still ticks down during logout or maintenance; the devs are considering adding a function that brings back lost time due to maintenance. Furthermore, players are advised that images in the game launcher may be incorrect when the game goes live. Just in case you get confused.