As the first Tokyo Olympics events begin today, Overwatch has opened the gates for its own Summer Games, running this year through August 10th. Expect the return of Lucioball and Lucioball Remix as well as the traditional lootboxes and cosmetics. “erve up some summer sweets as Sprinkles Mei, kick back with a chilly cocktail as Poolside Ashe, wade into the waves as Mermaid Symmetra, and more,” Blizzard says.
And remember that new World of Warcraft boardgame we covered earlier in July? It’s being officially revealed today as World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King – A Pandemic System Board Game. Yeah that’s a lot of colons and dashes, but it sounds fun, though it’s gonna set you back a cool sixty bucks.
“Join forces with classic World of Warcraft heroes as you take down the forces of the Lich King in this journey across Azeroth. Wrath of the Lich King combines the classic co-operative Pandemic gameplay system with the iconic World of Warcraft universe featuring legendary characters, daunting battles, and intricate quests. […] In the Wrath of the Lich King board game, players control one of Azeroth’s heroes and fight their way through the Scourge to reach the throne of fallen Prince Arthas, now feared throughout Azeroth as the terrifying Lich King. Adventure across the frozen continent of Northrend, take on quests, battle monstrous entities, and more to retake Azeroth from the Lich King.”