It’s pretty clear that players of an MMO really like to come together to see what’s next for their chosen title. This has been proven by Warframe, as the virtual TennoCon event this year reportedly drew huge swaths of players into the game to break a number of concurrency and engagement records.
During the event, Warframe apparently moved into Steam’s top-ten highest ever peak concurrency for a free-to-play game on the platform, with over 180,000 people online at the time. The event also saw the game become the #1 position for the day on Twitch with 540,000 viewers to become the only title in the top-five highest peak concurrent viewer streams of 2021 so far, and saw Twitter engagement move the game’s name into the platform’s global trending list.
What’s all the excitement about? Well, there was The New War expansion’s reveal as well as the announcement of cross-platform play and an in-development mobile version. For those who missed out on the whole show, the official site has a full recap of events.