I don’t know about you folks, but the past week has been rough, and I needed something happy to take my mind off the stress. Guild Wars 2 End of Dragons’ big reveal stream yesterday was a big ol’ boost of serotonin. New landmass! Turtles! Boats! Fishing! New specs! Just drown me in petrified trees and stained-glass windows and take my money.
I’ve wanted a return to Cantha since before Guild Wars 2 even existed, and I haven’t been shy about saying it, so of course I’m thrilled we’re getting closer to the day and that it looks just as stunning as I hoped back when it was first announced. Even though I know it won’t fix the game’s meta, add proper housing, or address most of the things I find annoying about the game, it’s enough for me to play and enjoy it, at least for a while.
How about you? Did you like what you saw – are you preordering End of Dragons, or at least planning to play at launch?