It wasn’t that long ago that some columnist here at Massively OP was bemoaning the fact that Standing Stone Games had yet to actually say much about Lord of the Rings Online’s fall expansion, Fate of Gundabad.
Clearly, this was jinx bait designed to draw out the studio, and sure enough, SSG posted the full backstory leading up to Gundabad last night. It’s a good catch-up summary, especially if you’ve lost track of the twisty “Dwarves vs. Orcs” saga that’s been playing out in the game over the past year or so.
In other LOTRO expansion news, the studio confirmed that an article explaining the huge legendary item revamp and the inclusion of the long-awaited “hook consolidation” for player housing should be coming right around or with Fate of Gundabad.
Don’t forget that Lord of the Rings Online is currently giving away all of its quest packs (including the recent Wildwood chapter) and selling many expansion chunks for dirt-cheap!
Source: Lord of the Rings Online