So you have likely accomplished most or all of your goals in Final Fantasy XIV by this point, and there’s still another month until Endwalker lands. What are you going to do if you want to keep playing? The answer is that you’re going to get yourself a jacket. No, really, that’s the reward offered to players who take part in the newest Moogle Treasure Trove event kicking off on October 19th and running until the release of the next expansion; players can earn the new Inferno Jacket as a cosmetic reward, complete with FFXIV meteor logo and stylish dye options.
Not interested in the jacket? That’s all right; there’s also a full set of caster gear available for glamour (it’s the same set from The Swallow’s Compass), housing items, mounts, music rolls, and various other rewards you can obtain in exchange for collecting irregular tomestones. As usual, you earn those irregular tomestones by running story-important instances, from Baelsar’s Wall to Amaurot to Praetorium, or by taking part in Frontline conflicts. So if you need a little extra motivation to do stuff in FFXIV for the next month, here it comes.Source: Official Site