Even though Wrath Classic is still officially a month away, the era of Northrend, Death Knights, and happy-go-lucky Arthas is here with the debut of the pre-patch on the WoW Classic servers last night.
More than a few people remarked that it feels like the actual launch, what with lengthy maintenance times that kept many NA players from jumping in last night. And that’s not even considering the horrendous queues as everyone shoved through the door at the same time to roll up a new hero class or jump on the fresh start realms.
It wasn’t all gnashing teeth and complaints; there also was rejoicing over the return of the beloved expansion. “The nostalgia hit I needed this morning,” one player said.
And while Blizzard won’t be bringing back a proper LFD (you know, a feature added at the midpoint of the original expansion), it was more than happy to announce that it’s selling level boosts for characters (you know, the feature not part of the original expansion). The boosts — which come in $50 and $80 varieties — bring one non-Death Knight character up to level 70 with gear and unlocks needed to get a fast start. The more expensive version also includes a whalebone glider flying mount.