Mainstream gamers might be out of the loop, but MMORPG players know that the EverQuest franchise kicks into high gear every autumn, and we’re in the thick of it now.
For starters, EverQuest II opened pre-orders for its upcoming Renewal of Ro expansion last night, along with a landing page with visuals and lore. Daybreak promises four new zones (Raj’Dur Plateau, the Takish Badlands, the Sandstone Delta, and Buried Takish’Hiz), as well as new dungeons, new raids, a new adventure, new tradeskill quests, new achievements, new gear, new collections, and new housing kit.
“While on a valiant quest to help the Aerakyn return to their original thread of reality, adventurers find themselves going back to the brutal island of Ro and to the southern half of the flaming desert. Here, with the help of a local tribe of Hizite nomads, they’ll make their way across the unforgiving Raj’Dur Plateaus to explore what is left of the Elddar Empire’s cursed city, the long Buried Takish’Hiz, before finding themselves within the renewed Takish Badlands as they are led into the treacherous Sandstone Delta by the machinations of a notorious foe. They will come face-to-face with Raj’Dur bandits, cursed Elddar, Dunetooth goblins, the Mhyt-moo school of Yha-lei, the Stormfury and Swordfury cyclops clans, the Ortallians zealots of Ro, and other enemies, not to mention the glorious heroes they will team up with along the way.”
Launch is expected in December; it runs $34.99 for the standard version up to $249.99 for the mega family and friends bundle, depending on which package of pets, mounts, homes, teleports, mercs, boosts, potions, and adventures you’ve just gotta have.
Meanwhile, Classic EverQuest has also finally put a name to its fall expansion: It’s called Night of Shadows, and it hits beta (and pre-orders) next week on October 11th. “You’ll have to jump onto Beta or wait for our official announcements to learn more,” Daybreak’s Jenn Chan says.