Listen, I know that right now, the title of this post has provoked a lot of people to ignore the text I’m typing right now, and they’re going straight down to the comments to tell everyone that they hate dailies and that dailies are the worst thing that ever happened to MMOs. And truthfully, I can’t really argue with them. Dailies are not my favorite things either. Dailies are kind of a cheapo way to stretch themepark MMO content – heck, content in lots of other online games too – and give everyone something to do in between patches. By definition, if the MMO suits me, it doesn’t need to give me busywork because there’s already plenty of sandboxy things I wanted to do anyway.
But still, some themeparks do dailies better than others. I went for a long stretch in World of Warcraft and Guild Wars 2 doing dailies, and I didn’t hate them – but of course, that was a long time ago, and the only daily thing I’m really doing now in MMOs is trying to use my rested experience up and making sure my harvesters are tended to!
You tell me: Which MMO offers the best dailies?