Today marks the day when World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is getting its first post-launch patching, and while it might not be teeming with top-flight content, there are still things to look forward to as previous patch notes showcased.
One of the big portions of this patch is the arrival of the Trading Post, which won’t be open until February 1st but is landing as part of the update. In terms of playable content, the patch will also launch the new Storm’s Fury event that tasks players with fighting the Primalists in their own future time, along with an event to celebrate Lunar New Year by honoring the Elders located across the Dragon Isles.
The rest of this patch’s feature set includes a wide variety of class adjustments, the return of the Mage Tower, a laundry list of tweaks for professions, and a bunch of other fixes. Maintenance for this patch is going to run pretty long, with a projected end time of 6:00 p.m. EST, but by then there will be new things to do.