Guild Wars 2’s next living story chapter is officially launching a week from today on May 23rd. It’s called What Lies Within and will “challenge players to dig themselves out of the darkest depths at the bottom of the Gyala Delve and with the help of the Jade Brotherhood and some heavy ordnance, defeat the Ravenous Wanderer unearthed in February’s game update once and for all.”
Worth noting is that ArenaNet explicitly calls this the “second of two free updates for End of Dragons owners,” referring to the new content cadence introduced this past spring.
“After investigating troubling rumors surrounding a Jade Brotherhood mining operation, the commander and allies uncover the source of the mine’s bizarre happenings. A wayward demon, found within the depths of the mine, is using its malevolent influence to torment its victims through manipulation of their most vulnerable memories. Armed with the knowledge of this discovery, and an invention designed to harness emotional energy, the commander and allies must face their literal and figurative demons to heal what lies within. With the conclusion of this storyline, this update also brings new activities throughout Cantha on End of Dragon maps, including new Adventures like Jade Bot drone mode collection challenges, siege turtle target practice, and skiff races. New ambush events will also begin to appear as the fearsome oni hunt the player across Cantha.”
If you were thinking about picking up End of Dragons and haven’t done it yet, wait another week: It’ll be 20% off starting May 22nd through Memorial Day weekend.