EVE Online tweaks Havoc insurgencies, preps monthly EVE Vanguard tests for subbers


This week’s EVE Online patch builds on the Havoc expansion CCP Games dropped before the turn of the new year, with both graphical and mechanical updates – including the Ambition Modifier. Yes, that’s its real name.

“Among the things announced on stage at Fanfest 2023, when the Havoc expansion was revealed, was the inclusion of an Ambition Modifier, which adjusts the number of points needed to win an Insurgency,” the studio says. “The Ambition Modifier has now been implemented in Havoc, and it will affect the side that regularly wins Insurgencies by requiring more system wins for subsequent victories. In effect, this means that the more victorious one side is, the more it will take to keep the winning streak going. This will make the struggle between suppression and corruption more balanced, the fight more gripping, and the achievement of victory all the sweeter.”

The latest dev blog also outlines adjustments to roaming patrol faction aggro and promises another EVE Vanguard demo for subscribers coming up January 25th through 29th “and every month for the first half of the year.”

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