Lord of the Rings Online is on the cusp of bringing Update 39: Arenas of Conflict to players, although the release date has yet to be set by Standing Stone Games (it’s “pretty close” so maybe Wednesday?). The studio recently showed off the four instances coming in the patch and prepared for an increase of the legendary item ilevel cap.
March continues a busy month for LOTRO, as the Spring Festival kicks off on the 12th and the devs meet up with fans at PAX East on the 21st (an RSVP sign up should be going live early this week). The studio did say that the venue only has 300 or so seats and will be sharing it with Daybreak’s other MMOs, so if you want to get in on this free event, you’ll want to watch that event page like a hawk.
And here’s the latest from DDO with its anniversary and recent Update 66: Rise of the Dragon Lords:
Source: LOTRO