Pax Dei’s latest alpha two preview blog would like to set some expectations regarding the FFA PvP zone of Lyonesse that will be open on April 23rd. Obviously there will be danger, there will be full corpse looting, but more importantly, this is the first pass at a PvP zone for the sandbox MMORPG.
“Wilderness Alpha will feature only a first version, a minimum viable product if you will. […] We have grand plans for future iterations, in particular when it comes to spell mechanics, but for now, we’re eager to hear your feedback. We know you’ve been clamoring for PvP areas, and we’re curious to see what you’ll create in this sandbox approach.”
The post otherwise outlines some mechanical matters that players entering Lyonesse will want to bear in mind, like the fact that they will be auto-flagged for PvP when entering Lyonesse, that the zone’s map size is smaller than others in order to facilitate fights, and that there will indeed be resources hiding in the area that seek to entice fights for said resources.
That runs parallel to the point of providing for PvP and PvE players: Mainframe reasons that PvE players will want the materials PvPers gather from Lyonesse, and PvP players will want to make nice with PvE crafters who are the only ones capable of outfitting them for combat. The preview also has another series of in-game images that can be seen in the gallery below.