We’re once again in a new week for Black Desert, which means that all three versions of the MMORPG have gotten a little something new. Or in the case of a couple of them, a big something new. There are new somethings is what we’re getting at here.
For PC players, this week’s update is headlined by refinements to ship equipment enhancement, which essentially condenses black stone material needs into a single tidal black stone resource instead. Those who already have different black stones will be reimbursed with the new tidal stones, while earning this material is a matter of defeating sea creatures and clearing quests. Other items of note include more tweaks to building durability in node and conquest war, UI updates, and quest fixes.
If you’re wondering why Vaguely Happy Jack is pictured above (that’s his presumed name), that’s because BDO Mobile has added a new pirate island to the game that’s accessible from now until June 11th. Players who log in will see a pirate treasure map in their inboxes that grants access to this island, where they’ll have 20 minutes to roam around and find some pretty rare materials. The patch has otherwise made several class tweaks (particularly to the Askeia class) and fixed a major arena bug.
The console version’s patch this week is the smaller of the three, as it brings on a new UI element that lets players keep track of accumulated agris essence and applies a few specific tweaks to the Crypt of Resting Thoughts and Elvia Quiet Hill monster zones.