Wayfinder releases massive quality-of-life patch as devs celebrate newly positive reviews


As promised, Airship Syndicate has buffed the heck out of Wayfinder today with its new patch live on Steam. The update is loaded with quality-of-life tweaks, most specifically a server browser meant to help multiplayer fans find each other.

“QoL 1 focuses on one major feature that players have requested since the announcement of the co-op relaunch of Wayfinder: a server browser,” Airship notes. “With the Find Party system, players can directly browse hosted games based on rank, difficulty, and activity. This feature is being rolled out in an alpha state, and Airship Syndicate will promote the system to beta with future enchantments with a later quality of life patch as they work towards the 1.0 release of Wayfinder.”

The patch further includes changes to in-air controls, buffs for Senja and Kyros, smart enemy targeting, lock-on camera adjustments, key remapping, performance optimization, clearer loot post-expedition, and gobs more.

The studio is clearly super excited about reaching 86% positive recent reviews as it mentions it in the press release twice, but we can hardly blame the devs for being eager given how the company has turned around the game – as a self-publishing indie unit – over the last year.

“The outpouring of support during the unprecedented transition from a soon-to-be free-to-play title on the brink of extinction to a full loot ARPG has been tremendous,” the team says. “The entire crew at Airship continues to be revitalized and motivated to create a solid game for both old and new players.”

There’s plenty more ahead on the road to launch, too:

“Looking ahead, Airship is committed to ongoing improvements based on community feedback. Future updates will address combat fluidity, animation enhancements, and further refinements to the Server Browser. Recently, the transfer of service to Airship Syndicate from PlayStation was completed, and Wayfinder’s Echo Update, as well as QoL 1, will be coming to PlayStation 5 later this summer, with testing and certification already underway. Xbox Series X|S will follow PlayStation’s release, alongside Wayfinder’s launch out of Early Access into 1.0. Wayfinder’s first large content update will come with the release of 1.0, including a new Wayfinder, a new open world, and a new lost zone.”

Source: Press release, patch notes
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