The Soapbox: Feeling the FOMO effect of positive MMO news


It was the other week that I saw the very unexpected headline right here on MOP: “Daybreak bought Palia studio Singularity 6 and aims to bring the game to launch.” And just like that, in the span of a few heartbeats, my entire MMORPG gaming backlog rearranged once again as I felt the immediate urge to give Palia another shot.

You see, there’s a very real danger to being an MMO news writer, which is that you are constantly exposed to MMO news. I know that sounds obvious, but from talking with everyone on the MOP staff, I’ve come to realize how the news cycle has a real and meaningful impact on our personal gaming decisions. Unless we’re so deeply entrenched into a single title that we have no desire to look elsewhere, all of these other games are constantly making pitches for our attention.

FOMO — the fear of missing out — is an omnipresent factor in the MMO genre. With so, so many games (seriously, so many games) all vying for our time and involvement, perhaps the greatest factor in our decision making is the tidal forces of the latest news coupled with what all our friends are playing.

An MMO studio gets an infusion of capital and increases its chances of longevity? A new expansion is announced or about to arrive? An angel swoops in to save a struggling but promising title? A community swarm triggers a modern renaissance period for a game? A beloved developer is brought on board the team? A hated situation is finally addressed and put to right? All of these scenarios and so many more can trigger an immediate burst of FOMO for the reader.

Maybe that’s even what we hope to have happen. We are positively spoiled for choice in our field of entertainment, so a solid strategy is to sit high upon your throne (or custom gaming chair, whatever) and let those games come a-courting. Allow yourself to be subject to the tug-o-war of FOMO, riding those waves while looking for the game that will truly go the distance for you.

Sometimes FOMO can lift your mood even if you don’t elect to participate in whatever game is currently ascending. If you operate with the mentality that success in one MMO splashes over to the entire genre, it’s easy to cheer on that title and be happy for your fellow gamers who are enjoying this moment.

It’s also good to see any positive news to counter the layoffs, shutdowns, and other unfortunate occurrences that are part and parcel of the news cycle.

The only real heartbreak of positive MMO news is, again, that we can’t play all of them no matter our desire. These titles are going to roll forward with or without our presence, and so we have to make painful decisions about which ones we’ll engage with and which ones we’ll reluctantly let go.

That’s why the MMO headlines can help (and overwhelm) in this regard. Personally, I always have a running list in my head of games I’m actively engaged with (usually two to four titles) and those “on the backburner” that I’d like to get to when and if time permits.

As an example, seeing Palia’s fortunes rise and the title continually add new content increases its stock with me and earns a spot on my backburner for when this year might slow down. I mean, good luck with that in 2024, Palia, but at least you’re on my radar.

Everyone has opinions, and The Soapbox is how we indulge ours. Join the Massively OP writers as we take turns atop our very own soapbox to deliver unfettered editorials a bit outside our normal purviews (and not necessarily shared across the staff). Think we’re spot on — or out of our minds? Let us know in the comments!
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