Here’s what to expect from Nightingale’s massive Realms Rebuilt update when it lands next week


Nightingale fans have been waiting for Realms Rebuilt all summer – since even before we knew it was called Realms Rebuilt. But your wait is almost over as the massive update drops next week on September 12th, and naturally that means Tencent’s Inflexion Games is here with a new video walking through the highlights.

If you’ve been reading the dev blogs, little of what’s in the deep-dive is truly new; we’re looking at a boost to building limits, a revamp of story and progression, new hand-crafted story realms to guide players through the campaign, reducing grind, and of course, smoothed-out crafting. Note that it does mean a reset for the game and characters, though since it’s still in early access, you probably expected that.

Inflexion has also released a building Q&A that discusses the upcoming changes to player builds specifically.

“In Realms Rebuilt, we focused our optimization efforts around improving the piece limits of composite structures,” Inflexion’s Jacques Lebrun explains. “For example, an estate building that was previously limited to only have 300 roof/wall/floor pieces can now support up to 1500. This was achieved primarily through low-level optimization of how the structure data is represented. Additionally, we implemented a new method of spreading networking updates for large structures across multiple server updates, which we hope can allow us to further increase the per structure piece limit in the future.” He also says the devs want to work more on “optimizing the decorations, containers, and workbenches you’ll want to fill your estate with.”

The team has also been dropping screenshots for the new Regency tileset coming next week:

Source: YouTube, official site. Cheers, Mikey!
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