The Daily Grind: What rewards are actually worth backing for in an MMORPG Kickstarter?


News of Stars Reach’s impending Kickstarter has been the big MMORPG story of the last week and change, but there’s been one tidbit that’s sort of fallen through the cracks: The team hasn’t actually fully locked in its Kickstarter reward plans yet and has been directly asking players what they’d even want to pay for. Playable Worlds has said that it doesn’t want to do physical rewards, and it’s also made clear it won’t be doing pay-to-win stuff, so no, you can’t buy your own Coruscant with cash money.

However, last week Raph Koster did float out a few other ideas, like the possibility of allowing players to design planets and port them into the game (apparently the game can handle Minecraft map imports?). So that should give you an idea what they have in mind at the top tiers.

Personally, I don’t think I have ever put more money into a Kickstarter than whatever will just get me the game at launch. And I’ve been disappointed on that enough times already! Still, I wouldn’t mind seeing my name on a species of flower, a star system named after my kids, or a name reservation for my guild.

What rewards are actually worth backing for in an MMORPG Kickstarter? And more specifically, what would you want Stars Reach to include as a reward in its Kickstarter?

Every morning, the Massively Overpowered writers team up with mascot Mo to ask MMORPG players pointed questions about the massively multiplayer online roleplaying genre. Grab a mug of your preferred beverage and take a stab at answering the question posed in today’s Daily Grind!
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