The Elder Scrolls Online offers gold and shimmery elven costumes with the Golden Pursuits campaign


It’s a new year in The Elder Scrolls Online as well as, y’know, everywhere else. Heck, it has been a new year for a little while now; that’s what the increasing date number means. But the Golden Pursuits campaign has just started and will run through February 4th, encouraging players of the game to kick off the new year right by… doing stuff. All sorts of stuff. And if you’re wondering why you would ever want to do stuff, let us ask you a connected question: Do you like piles of gold and costumes?

Players are given a list of 18 activities to complete, and completing pairs of them (from two activities up to 12) will offer rewards from gold to statues to the shiny Elven Hero costume. We know that everyone in the game is feeling a little bit anxious about the game’s update cadence and potential overall content this year, and we hardly blame you, but right now you can hop in and go to town to get some money and costumes. So that’s something, yeah?

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