It’s that time once again, Guild Wars 2 players – time to take a look at the balance adjustments coming to the MMO’s classes on Tuesday, February 11th, most of which are zeroing in on the PvP abilities of several specs.
Survivability via sustain has been a bit too strong in PvP and WvW by ArenaNet’s reckoning, so most of the changes note an overall functional change to barrier, a culling of alacrity access, and a toning down of boon applications in WvW to bring things into the studio’s idea of balance.
As one might then expect, many of the adjustments detailed in the notes are about PvP and WvW, though there are some abilities that are being affected in PvE as well. Some of these changes include power tweaks for Elementalist, lowered damage for Mesmer dagger attacks, and a couple of targeted buffs for Warriors. In terms of standout PvP changes we spy an attempt to improve Ranger pet survivability, increased costs for entering stealth for Thief, and longer cooldowns for Necromancer’s support scourges.
Readers will recall that this patch was meant to go out in January but was delayed into February.