Studio Wildcard continues to be very cagey about its release timing for major additions to dino survivalbox ARK: Survival Ascended. Readers might recall that a roadmap post from January briefly mentioned the full sequel to ARK, a game that was first announced in 2020 and has since missed two targeted release windows; the only reason we know that ARK 2 still exists at all is through the announcement of ARK: Lost Colony, an expansion due in November that the studio has called a narrative bridge to the sequel.
Well, that’s the refrain being used again by Wildcard with the latest trailer for Lost Colony, which features no gameplay but lots of anime Michelle Yeoh (likely as a way to link to the upcoming second season of its animated series) and once again promises that the expansion “bridges the gap from ARK Extinction to ARK Genesis and into the world of ARK 2” in both the trailer’s description and in related pressers. We once again have no word on where ARK 2 actually is.
On the subject of weird release timing, a tweet from ASA referenced a game called ARK: Aquatica being developed by Snail Games USA’s Colorado office but offered no other information whatsoever, leaving fans very confused about the unveiling, particularly since there are no other details on Snail Games’ site or Twitter at the time of this writing.
The latest immediate news for ASA comes from last week’s newsletter, which confirms a new elephant-like Deinotherium creature arriving on March 26th and offers updates on ongoing issues with console crashes and server DDoS attacks that sprang up at the end of February; console black screens should be significantly reduced, while DDoS attacks are still ongoing and mitigated.