Dust off your capes and adjust your ruby-quartz visors, for tomorrow is Marvel Heroes’ second anniversary and all are invited to join in the celebrations. The keystone of the game’s birthday will be the release of a playable Doctor Doom, the title’s 48th character. Doom is a complex and capable fighter with multiple resources and even summon abilities.
Doom isn’t the end of the fun, of course. Tomorrow Gazillion will unlock the other 47 heroes for anyone to play to level 10, institute the long-awaited Team-Up 2.0 revamp, nix the need for retcon potions, patch in The Thing’s design review (now with shockwave attack!), and host an all-day stream with the dev team.
Gazillion says that it has giveaways and surprises for the entire month of the game’s anniversary. One of these coming later in June is a brand-new team-up with the X-Men’s Angel. We’ve got the trailer and some new pics below!