The devs of Destiny 2 are looking far forward into the future with regard to the shooter’s PvE and PvP experiences. In the game’s weekly newsletter, combat gameplay designer Eric Smith took a close look at sandbox changes that are coming, which include a separate melee action button, ability changes for Stasis and class-specific skills in many different trees, and some adjustments being made to earning and improving Stasis powers. It’s a pretty deep dive overall, and will be the first of three that TWAB plans to share; future posts will look at armor, mod, and weapon changes.
As for PvP, assistant game director Joe Blackburn wrote up a Twitter thread about plans for the Crucible heading into the game’s far future. In short, two vaulted maps will be brought back in season 16, a new map will be introduced in season 17, and a remastered map from the first game will arrive in season 18. Beyond that, the devs are working on bringing back Rift mode and adding “multiple” new modes next year, and plan on considering “what other broad systemic improvements the PvP ecosystem needs” after season 15.