“Hey mister, get out of the way! I have to get home and play World of Warcraft!“
Why, slow down there, Timmy! What’s got you so excited to get back into the world of Azeroth?
“Don’t you know? Today is the day that the Trading Post launches! I’m gonna get all sorts of neat cosmetic items and start working toward a mount this month, and there’s a big costume reward for doing a bunch of Trading Post stuff over a year’s worth of monthly updates! I’m super excited!”
Aw, Timmy, haven’t you heard? The Trading Post is currently disabled ahead of a hotfix.
“What? You’re pulling my leg, old man.”
No, I’m afraid it’s true. The European realms have been down since 9 p.m. EST last night, the US realms have gone down for an extended maintenance, and the official forums confirm that the Trading Post will be unavailable pending a hotfix. We don’t know quite when that hotfix is going to arrive, Timmy!
“But I wanted to purchase cosmetic gear!”
I know, Timmy. But unfortunately this appears to be a situation wherein a lack of proper testing has caused an unknown error and now everyone who was excited is just going to have to wait until Blizzard fixes it.
“Golly, mister. That’s some real bad news. Why would Blizzard not be able to test for these sorts of bugs ahead of time?”
Well, Timmy, now we get to talk about workforce reductions to prop up earning calls!
“Aw, I don’t want to hear this story again!”
No, probably not! But here we are, Timmy.