
Join Justin Olivetti and Bree Royce every Tuesday for the Massively OP Podcast. You can scroll down to the latest podcast below, or you can follow us directly through your preferred player: LibsyniTunes, StitcherPocket Casts, TuneIn Radio, and PlayerFM.

Don’t forget the 331 (!) Massively Speaking episodes we pubbed previously and follow the RSS link for this feed RSS feed for this podcast. Send your questions in to the team and we might just read them on the air. Want episodes a day early? A $5 monthly pledge to our Patreon will ensure just that!

Massively OP Podcast Episode 33: Ascent’s James Hicks

Justin and Bree fête Ascent's James Hicks discussing Star Citizen, Wurm Online, Ultima Online, WildStar, Daybreak's mystery game, Elite: Dangerous, RIFT, and Funcom.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 32: WildStumble

Justin and Bree discuss SWTOR, Project Gorgon, Ultima Online, WildStar, Dragon's Prophet, EQ franchise expansions, and Camelot Unchained, with mailbag questions on armchair game dev and catering to whales.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 31: MMO expansions come roaring back

Justin and Bree discuss Devilian, SWTOR, Ultima Online, the return of the MMO expansion, RIFT, Camelot Unchained, ArchLord 2, and Guild Wars 2, with mailbag questions on Heart of Thorns and gambleboxes.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 30: Slumbering MMOs

Justin and Bree discuss WildStar, SWTOR, UO, ArcheAge, Asheron's Call, Otherland, Elite, GW2, and RIFT, with mailbag questions on early access MMOs.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 29: Pathfinder fading

Justin and Bree discuss WildStar, Ultima Online, Little Healer, Pathfinder, WildStar F2P, ESO's Imperial City, EQ Next's playtest, and the people in the magic box.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 28: PAX Primal

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2 F2P, Atlas Reactor, The Park, SWTOR, Marvel Heroes, and WildStar, plus mailbag questions on Elder Scrolls Online, podcast meta, and more GW2.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 27: SmedSoft

Justin and Bree discuss Smed's new company, EQII's prison server, Champions Online, FFXIV, Trove, and Revival's housing, plus mailbag questions on NCsoft and terrible graphics.
Take care.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 26: Failcom

Justin and Larry discuss WildStar's F2P, Funcom's troubles, Otherland's alpha, Darkfall's soft wipe, Neverwinter's strongholds, and the next iteration of Hellgate.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 25: Project Gorgon interview

Justin and Eliot interview Project Gorgon's Eric Heimburg and hit the highlights of Gamescom 2015, including the WoW: Legion reveal.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 24: WoW speculation

Justin and Bree discuss WoW's next expansion, Trove, Project Gorgon, DDO, NCsoft's quarterly report, and Neverwinter, with mailbag questions on emotional investment and the state of the site.

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 23

Justin and Bree discuss Smed's resignation, Project Gorgon, Guild Wars 2's Tempest, Camelot's tribute, SWTOR's Togrutas, and WildStar's stat overhaul, with a buncha mailbag questions on Marvel Heroes.

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 22

Justin and Bree discuss Trove's launch, Skyforge's early access, Star Citizen criticism, RaiderZ's sunset, SWTOR's halt to raids, and The Secret World's big grouping push, with mailbag questions on player frustration with WoW's Draenor content drop-off.

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 21

Justin and Bree discuss Marvel Heroes, Final Fantasy XIV, RIFT 3.3, WoW's patch cycle, Cabal 2's launch, Skyforge's soft launch, and TERA's update, with mailbag questions on hero picks, names, and character gender options.

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 20

Justin and Eliot discuss FFXIV's Heavensward expansion, Devilian, WoW's 6.2 patch, Anarchy Online's graphics upgrade, WildStar's fall plans, PlanetSide 2's PS4 launch, and some embargoed goodies.

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 19

Justin and MJ discuss Marvel Heroes, The Secret World, Ark: Survival Evolved, ArcheAge, and tons of news from E3 on Guild Wars 2's expansion, FFXIV's Heavensward, SWTOR's expansion, Shroud of the Avatar, Torchlight Mobile, and more.

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 18

Justin and Bree discuss Marvel Heroes, WildStar, Elder Scrolls Online's console launch, SWTOR's new expansion, WoW's flight fiasco, Cabal II, failed Kickstarters, plus mailbag questions on gratuitous complexity and Turbine's future.

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 17

Justin and Bree discuss Infinite Crisis' sunset, Heroes of the Storm's launch, TERA's growth, EverQuest Next, Marvel Heroes, Trove, PlanetSide 2, Aion, WildStar, and The Secret World, plus mailbag questions on game metrics and character origin stories.

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 16

Justin and Bree discuss WildStar's F2P, The Secret World's motorcycles, Echo of Souls' soft launch, Greed Monger's doom, Marvel Heroes' updates, plus mailbag questions on underused races, multiboxing, and tiny MMOs.

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 15

Justin and Bree talk about Blade & Soul's western approach, WoW's war on flying, The Repopulation's launch date, EverQuest's progression server, Age of Conan's anniversary, and Guild Wars 2's Lion's Arch rebuild, plus mailbag questions on repellent MMO IPs.

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 14

Justin and Bree discuss WildStar's chaos, NCsoft's financials, Trove, Marvel Heroes, The Secret World, ARK: Survival Evolved, Neverwinter's Xbox numbers, and The Division's delay, plus mailbag questions on Reddit gaming culture and escapism vs. lockboxes.