star citizen

Official Site: Star Citizen
Studio: Cloud Imperium Games Corporation/Roberts Space Industries
Launch Date: N/A
Genre: Sci-fi Sandbox
Business Model: B2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

Star Citizen continues to move alpha 3.19 through public testing and shows off its latest in-game tutorial

The next phase of Star Citizen's ever-lengthening alpha test is nearly here as CIG continues its testing of alpha 3.19 on the public test...

One Shots: Who left the gas stove on?

So. This is awkward. I know everyone has an excuse why you were definitely not messing around with the giant's gas stove in Blade...

Star Citizen Live talks up a new ship manufacturer and alpha 3.20’s new derelict settlements

Once again, Star Citizen is using its regular weekly video digest to peer farther into the horizon before alpha 3.19 and alpha 3.20 even...

Star Citizen confirms its next free fly event for May 19, talks alpha 3.19’s mining and salvage updates

In the lore of Star Citizen, the United Empire of Earth is a democratic empire of human star systems that often leans heavily on...

Star Citizen shows off development progress on its next indoor kart racetrack

Last August, Star Citizen showed off the surprise reveal of indoor kart race tracks, which started life as a pet project done by some...

Massively Overthinking: What kind of PvE content do you expect from MMO sandboxes?

A couple of weeks back, MOP reader Alberto asked an interesting question in the comments of a particularly galling Star Citizen post. He pointed...

Star Citizen marks dev progress on ships, game engine bugs, and missions in its April report

The month of May has just arrived, which means that CIG is taking a moment to compile work done in April to Star Citizen...

Shroud of the Avatar spray-paints its spiders while a five-year wait continues for Episode 2

What will come first: the release of Star Citizen or Shroud of the Avatar's Episode 2? No matter which you pick for the office...

Star Citizen casts another spotlight on alpha 3.19’s updates to Lorville

Changes to Lorville have been a repeated topic for Star Citizen as it runs up to alpha 3.19's release, but apparently that horse has...

Star Citizen discusses design, development, and plans for mission content in latest livestream

If you're not answering beacons in Star Citizen, you're probably running the missions that are available. If that's the case, then you might be...

The Daily Grind: Do MMO studios manipulate their playerbases with trolling and tribalism?

A few weeks ago, MOP Chris and I were discussing Star Citizen's antics - remember the video with the coffee? - and it was...

Star Citizen releases alpha 3.18.2 as players express surprise at a partial wipe and outline several build bugs

Yesterday saw another Star Citizen patch go live as alpha 3.18.2 hit the PU with nothing more in its notes beyond "general stability and...
Peeky boo.

Betawatch: Wayfinder catches the delay bug

If you felt like Wayfinder was really just cruising along and fast-tracking its way to beta, well... we have a bit of bad news...

Star Citizen releases alpha 3.18.1, prepares for a free fly event, and recounts March’s dev progress

After nearly a full month since its initial 3.18 launch, Star Citizen is considering itself fully operational once again with the launch of alpha...

Star Citizen continues to promise alpha 3.18.1 fixes ‘shortly’ while more testing tools are developed

The alpha 3.18 release of Star Citizen continues to look like a gamedev engineering nightmare as the partial outage state of the persistent universe...

Perfect Ten: 10 MMO promises that are not filling me with confidence

Every game's development - and this includes MMOs - involves certain promises being made that the developers probably half-knows are not going to wind...

Star Citizen’s forums and launcher are crashing once more as the multiweek PU partial outage stretches on

It's time yet again for another status checkup for Star Citizen; we've been at this for the past several weeks now as the game's...

Star Citizen offers multiple previews of in-development AI behavior updates in livestream

This past weekend's developer livestream from Star Citizen probably makes up for the weirdness being shoveled out by CIG last week, particularly as it...
So snipe.

Betawatch: Blue Protocol runs a network test in Japan

And there we go: Another round of network testing has begun in Japan for Blue Protocol. Bandai Namco promised it would happen in March,...

Inside Star Citizen runs down new vehicles, prettier skies, dev tools, and functional coffee machines

Star Citizen's last episode of its weekly video series for this quarter is online, and if you were worried that the game was going...