star citizen

Official Site: Star Citizen
Studio: Cloud Imperium Games Corporation/Roberts Space Industries
Launch Date: N/A
Genre: Sci-fi Sandbox
Business Model: B2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

Star Citizen continues working on an error code as alpha 3.18.1 arrives to PTU for weekend testing

Yes, the problems for Star Citizen alpha 3.18 are still continuing on, though once again the game's status update page has additional hopeful news...

Star Citizen talks up the future of tractor beams while fixes for alpha 3.18 continue to inch along

Star Citizen would very much like it if people could focus on what's next for a bit as the Inside Star Citizen videos continue...

Massively Overthinking: The times MMO developers admitted they were… wrong

Earlier in March, Jagex did the unthinkable for an MMORPG company: It admitted it was wrong about something. If you're used to the Blizzards...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO boasts the best space combat?

When you get tired of your iron-plated boots being stuck to a giant gravity ball, you may yearn to take flight into the sky...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 414: EverQuesting on and on

Justin and Bree discuss Diablo IV, World of Warcraft, SWG Legends, Destiny 2, Star Citizen, EverQuest, LOTRO, and Elder Scrolls Online, with mailbag topics on extreme MMO zones and puzzles in MMOs.

Star Citizen focuses on deploying alpha 3.18.1 patch as a fix for the game’s ongoing issues

As the players and devs of Star Citizen continue to wrestle with the game's ongoing alpha 3.18 issues, new word on progress is being...

Star Citizen discusses in-development engineer role as patch problems continue

The engineer role that was highlighted in a Road to 4.0 video is once again the talk of Star Citizen in this week's developer...

Betawatch: Star Citizen’s alpha 3.18 has been quite a trainwreck

So Star Citizen launched patch 3.18 last weekend, and everything worked absolutely perfectly with no downsides, please don't check. But it's all right because...

Star Citizen offers a statement about 3.18 downtime before discussing 3.19 mission updates

Star Citizen is continuing its planned rollout of video digests like clockwork, which means that there's a new Inside Star Citizen video that looks...

Star Citizen’s partial outage continues, but CIG notes new infrastructure is ‘trending in the right direction’

The troubles for Star Citizen that were first brought on by alpha 3.18's release last weekend continue on through this week, as the game...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 413: Kentucky fried gaming

Justin and Bree discuss Bellatores, Final Fantasy XIV, Ghostcrawler and the Riot MMO, WoW's patches, Diablo IV's promos, and Star Citizen, with adventures in LOTRO, Star Trek Online, and City of Heroes, plus mailbag topics on humble characters and healer aesthetics.

Star Citizen apologizes for its messy alpha 3.18 launch as the game progresses to a partial outage state

We've been tracking the SNAFU that has been Star Citizen's alpha 3.18 launch over the past few days, so naturally we're going to continue...

Star Citizen remains offline as issues related to alpha 3.18 escalate the problem to a ‘major outage’

We're following up on the catastrophic launch of Star Citizen alpha 3.18, which arrived this past weekend with a litany of problems for players...

Star Citizen’s alpha 3.18 craters its initial launch, causing players to riot across the internet

Alpha 3.18 was meant to be Star Citizen's "biggest update yet," but what appears to have happened is a spectacularly buggy launch instead, causing...

Star Citizen enters alpha 3.18 with more persistence, a new graphics renderer, and more ships and locations

Last night saw Star Citizen make what it's calling the game's biggest update yet. Alpha 3.18 has now gone live, introducing some under-the-hood tech...

Star Citizen shares initial details of alpha 4.0’s engineer multi-crew role in latest video

This week saw yet another Star Citizen video digest come out, but this time it was another installment in the Road to 4.0 video...

Star Citizen previews upcoming underground locations, visual effects

The underground sprawls planned for Star Citizen, which readers will recall was one of the features highlighted at last year's CitizenCon, is back under...

Star Citizen outlines another round of mining gameplay updates arriving in alpha 3.19

The last time Star Citizen iterated on mining gameplay, it was back in alpha 3.16, when it introduced the mining gadget. It looks like...

Star Citizen focuses on the creation and integration of lore in latest dev stream

This past Friday saw yet another developer broadcast from Star Citizen release for the lore hounds of the space sandbox, as several members of...

The Stream Team: Reacclimating to Star Citizen after months of hardware hiatus

MOP's Chris hasn't had the opportunity to actively play Star Citizen on account of his machine not being exactly up to scratch. Thanks to...